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  • Writer's pictureKara Kohnen

Social Media Addiction

For many people checking their phones is the first thing they do in the morning and the last thing they do at night. 16 to 24 year olds spend an average of 3 hours per day on their on social media.

Social Media by design is supposed to be addictive. They invite endless scrolling and stimulation. Persistent Cues such as notifications and reminders grab our attention when it drifts. It appeals to our innate desire to connect socially. It produces a dopamine reward in the brain. How can you tell if it is use versus addiction?

Here are some markers:

A lot of time spent thinking about social media or planning on how to use it

Feel the urge to be on more and more

You use it to forget about personal problems

You have tried to cut down without success

You become restless or troubled if prohibited from use

You used social media often enough it has a negative impact on your jobs or academics

If you answer often or very often to any of these statements, this points toward addiction.

Teens are at the greatest risk of developing this problem. Other consequences can include" lowered self esteem due to comparisons, poor concentration, neglect of real life relationships, disrupted sleep, lowered rates of physical activity, decrease overall satisfaction.

Prevention and treatment:

A digital detox can be an effective way to address this concern. Research has also shown cutting back time can help. Turning off notifications. Increased awareness on how social media impacts life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with social media overuse and preoccupation, seeking support can help. To reach our caring team, please call 619-549-0329 ext 0

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