I talk with parents everyday who are doing amazing things for their children! Here are few great ideas I wanted to pass on:
1. Remember What It Is Like to be a Child - the good and the bad. Remembering what it was like to be their age can help you relate to their emotional struggles. Try to recall if your parents where too busy for you and how this felt. Remember what it was like when your parents fought. Recall meal times. Recall the anxiety of sexual development and early dating experiences. Recall both the best and worst teachers you had in school and relate with your child's experiences.
2. Set a Goal to be a positive force in your Child's life. Be involved. Make time for them away from the distractions of technology. Set firm limits. Be united with their other parent. Be fun.
3. Be clear about Goals you have for them including responsibilities, relationships with others, independence, adaptable.
Finally remember, they get older with each passing day and this stage of development will soon be memory. Let's do everything possible to make them great memories!